10 Wrestling Moves Let Down By Terrible Names

5. Saxtonation

WWE Network

Byron Saxton has become such a fixture behind the commentary desk that it's hard to believe that he was a wrestler once upon a time. While his in-ring career wasn't exactly memorable, his finishing move, Saxtonation, made an impression on fans for all the wrong reasons.

We're not sure if this manoeuvre was ever let down by its name because we don't really know what to make of the move itself. Starting off like a Full-Nelson, Saxton would appear to set his opponent up for The Miz's Skull-Crushing Finale before hoisting them (and himself) into the air and delivering something that vaguely looked like the Side Effect. It was all very confusing, but it was certainly innovative. Its name, on the other hand, was not.

Although we may never see the Saxtonation executed again, it will live on in infamy for its horrible title. Inserting your own name into a finisher rarely works, and this was a prime example of that.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.