10 Wrestling Moves More Dangerous Than You Realise

9. Diving Crossbody

IYO SKY Tegan Nox

It's impossible, really, to f*ck up the diving Crossbody. There are no immediately noticeable holes in the dive's execution, but the move puts considerable strain on the opponent's neck. Every bump that revolves around landing on your back does. It's why aspiring pro wrestlers are instructed to learn the proper technique of tucking your neck.

In 2014, failing to do so is precisely what caused Corey Graves' sudden retirement.

Graves wrestled Sami Zayn on the brand's 6 March broadcast. A standard NXT TV match for the period, Zayn executed his top-rope Crossbody, the spot occurring in a seemingly vanilla fashion. Zayn dove at Graves, Corey wrapped his arms around either side of Sami's body, and that was it. At first glance, it was just another spot in just another match between the two. They wrestled so frequently at the time that it looked all too simple, if nothing else.

Upon further inspection, Corey Graves distinctly fails to tuck his neck. His neck slammed into the mat with enough force to knock someone out. In hindsight, something was evidently wrong with Corey; his arms flopped to the side when he went down. His kickout was weak. In the corner, preparing for a Helluva Kick, he was slumped over.

That wasn't him selling. That was him concussed. Only a handful of matches followed before he was forced to call it a day.

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