10 Wrestling Moves Wrestlers Refuse To Do Anymore

7. Rob Van Dam - Double Underhook Suplex

Zack Ryder

He may have primarily been known for kicking his opponents from pillar to post and throwing himself around the ring like a man determined to be "The Whole F'n Show", but before finally officially arriving in WWE, Rob Van Dam was also fond of viciously suplexing his rivals into submission.

More specifically, RVD would often utilise a double underhook suplex during his days in ECW and the many other promotions he frequented pre-Land of the Giants.

So, why did Mr. Monday Night suddenly decided to strip this clearly lethal slam away from his offence? Out of respect, as it goes.

As revealed by the former WWE and ECW Champion years later, RVD decided to drop his suplex after realising that it would come across as a much more spectacular alternative to Triple's Pedigree. Not wanting to upset The Game - he's a sensitive soul, after all - Van Dam moved on from the move the minute he set foot in WWE back in 2001.

It's also worth noting that next to no one enjoyed taking said move either, so it seemed only logical to give it the heave-ho in the end.

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Zack Ryder
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