10 Wrestling Rituals You Didn't Know About
8. Headstrong From Da Man

To say Bill Goldberg is an intense kinda guy would be an understatement of mammoth proportions. While many wrestlers of today or yesteryear have had an intensity to them, Goldberg was at a level were he'd get so pumped up that he'd do damage to both himself and to his opponents.
Buying into the hype of his character, the rookie years of Da Man's career found him stepping into the ring and believing that he really was this all-powerful, invincible bull of a man. To an extent, that was actually true, but the other side of this is that Goldberg's amped-up performance often caused issues in terms of remembering spots and being able to executive them properly.
On the recent WWE Network special about Goldberg and his Streak, it's even spotlighted there how he knocked himself out at Halloween Havoc '98 after charging at Diamond Dallas Page too hard as he looked to hit his patented Spear.
It wasn't just in the ring that Goldberg was intense, though, for his pre-match superstition was also a tad nuts.
In order to get himself suitably hyped for a match or segment, Goldberg would stir his adrenaline by headbutting lockers, doors, walls and whatever else he came across. Of course, the end result of this was that the WCW icon would so often head to the ring already busted open.