10 Wrestling Segments That Collapsed In Front Of Everybody

7. The Miz Forgets His Lines

Alexa Bliss

He may have gone on to become arguably the company's most dependable commodity on the mic in the years since making his official WWE debut in 2006, but things didn't exactly get off to the greatest of starts for ol' Miz on the stick.

Around the time of said arrival of his Miz character back in the mid-2000s, the eventual two-time Grand Slam winner would find himself tasked with hosting 2006's Diva Search and delivering the all-important phone number fans needed to call in order to vote for their favourite contestants on Raw.

Only, without a teleprompter in sight and the ink he'd etched onto his wrist melting away due to the sheer amount of sweat leaving his body, Miz soon found himself up the live TV creek without a paddle, so to speak.

Despite assuming that he'd be fired for this catastrophic forgetting of his lines on the live Monday night stage, though, and it being painfully obvious to all in attendance how badly he'd messed up on the night, Vince McMahon offered the newcomer a chance to redeem himself the following Friday and the rest is blaring history.

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Alexa Bliss
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...