10 Wrestling Spots Nobody Does Anymore

7. The Heelish Back Rake

Hulk Hogan Brother Bruti Back Rake
WWE Network

Recently, yours truly watched an old match between Hulk Hogan and The Butcher at WCW's Starrcade 1994 with a friend's young son (which could be considered torture in some countries), and he had some interesting reactions. Firstly, he couldn't believe that fans seemed so into the slow-paced action.

Secondly, he laughed like f*ck at Ed Leslie's 'Back Rake'.

"What the hell was that?", he shouted. Maybe he had a point, but this stuffy old-timer has grown up with such b*llocks and so didn't bat an eye when it happened. To this kid, who laps up Will Ospreay and Finn Bálor matches like Coco Pops, the idea that one man would rake his fingernails down another's spine was ludicrous.

That's when it hit that this doesn't really happen anymore. WWE heels don't gain a quick advantage or seek heat by scratching - the spot would probs make thousands chortle like 11-year old Ryan did. Even if they did, babyfaces wouldn't slap on an 'Arm Wringer' for revenge.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.