10 Wrestlers Who Came Back From The Dead

10. Kamala

During the early years of The Undertaker's epic run in the WWF/WWE, it may surprise some younger fans to learn that he wasn't quite the shoe-in for a watchable match that he would later morph into. In fact, a lot of 'Taker's earlier efforts were actually fairly bland - it was all about the character during the first incarnation of the gimmick, more so than actual in-ring content. This was usually evident by the fact that creative would pair the man up with other wacky characters, making for an almost-cartoon like vibe whenever the man was on the screen. One of Undertaker's big early feuds came against the 'Ugandan Giant' Kamala, a wrestler who was pitched as a flesh-eating cannibal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJjbBHB6aPQ At the Survivor Series 1992 event, The Undertaker would defeat his rival in the first ever Casket Match held under the banner of the promotion, shutting the lid on the coffin and apparently killing off Kamala. Undeterred, the man would return as a babyface, under the guidance of Reverand Slick, who attempted to teach his new charge how to fit into society. It's perhaps the perfect snapshot of the early-90's WWF that a cannibal could go from being placed in a coffin to hitting strikes at the local bowling alley.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.