10 Wrestling Stunts Which Nearly Went Very Wrong

3. Matt Hardy Is Broken

Gangrel Being Choked

We've mentioned how human skin isn't impervious to sharp pointy things, and nor too is the human skull shatterproof when making rapid commune with a hard surface. Elite, responsible wrestling does just about all it can to protect its performers' swedes these days, in the face of irrefutable and alarming evidence of CTE in older, more carefree pros, but sometimes it makes a blunder.

Such was the case with Matt Hardy in one sickening spot at last September's AEW All Out.

Many questioned the sagacity of having a literally broken Matt, what with his ossified spine, compete in a live hardcore contest. Those questions received horrific answers when Hardy was speared off a ladder by opponent Sammy Guevara, only to overshoot the landing and take the fall head-first on the concrete.

Worst of all, despite referee Aubrey Edwards bringing a halt to the match, it resumed moments later on advice of the medical team. The Multifarious One was whisked to hospital immediately after picking up the win, but thankfully checked out in tact. With just a slight adjustment in the variables, Version One could very possibly have become Version Gone.

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Editorial Team

Benjamin was born in 1987, and is still not dead. He variously enjoys classical music, old-school adventure games (they're not dead), and walks on the beach (albeit short - asthma, you know). He's currently trying to compile a comprehensive history of video game music, yet denies accusations that he purposefully targets niche audiences. He's often wrong about these things.