10 WTF Moments From WWE Legends House

6. The Heartbreak Kid Shows Up And Takes The Legends On A Fishing Trip

The eight legends seemed to be at their wits end until noted outdoors-man and Mr. Wrestlemania Shawn Michaels showed up and took the legends out on a boat to catch some fish, and maybe clear their minds just a bit. The door bell rings and the legends are usually greeted by Ashley with their adventure for the day. Everyone was more than thrilled to see HBK show up and to get out of the house for a bit. The guys caught some fish, exchanged stories and seemed to be genuinely excited to see Shawn pay a visit. Like all of the challenges so far, the contest was on to see who could catch the biggest stripped bass, which of course, Jimmy Hart didn't eat at dinner. You guessed it, baked potato and beans.

Anthony Ruggiero is a new WWE writer for WhatCulture! He is a lifelong wrestling fan with a passion for writing. You can follow him on Twitter @ant_ruggiero_