10 WWE Allegiances That Must Happen In 2018

1. Dean Ambrose And Samoa Joe

Kevin Owens Sami Zayn Randy Orton

Dean Ambrose stabbing his Shield brothers in the back - be it at the end of this year or the beginning of the next - is pretty much guaranteed, so much so that a blow-off grudge match with Seth Rollins is already considered a banker for WrestleMania 34.

Perhaps Dean will have more luck after breaking free from his nice guy shackles, but given last year's disappointing world title run and the fact that we've never been entirely convinced that everyone in the WWE back is on his side, there's a strong possibility he ends up back in the tag team ranks once the dust settles.

The good news is that doesn't have to be a death sentence - not when fellow villain Samoa Joe, currently inactive due to injury, is there and waiting, desperate for a friend to help him come to terms with his miserable defeat to Brock Lesnar back in the spring.

OK, maybe not. But if Dean and Joe do find themselves back on tag team duty, they could together form one of the meanest, most off-the-wall duos in recent WWE history, and one that could comfortably stand up to Roman and Seth.
