10 WWE Allegiances That Must Happen In 2018

5. Pete Dunne And Tyler Bate

Kevin Owens Sami Zayn Randy Orton

At the moment, Pete Dunne and Tyler Bate are natural enemies, but so too were Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn, and that didn't stop the two of them from rekindling their indie friendship earlier this month.

The fact is that the UK Title division's two leading men have struggled for airtime since their respective debuts earlier this year, and with yet more NXT rookies coming into the fold in meantime, they desperately need a USP if they are to make a splash away from the British minor leagues.

Along with Trent Seven, the duo have already teamed together as part of British Strong Style, and with all three of them in WWE - albeit the latter lacking the same profile of the other two - fans are hoping they will reprise their partnership in the mainstream.

Should this dream become a reality, it will more than likely mean clean-cut Bate moving over to the dark side, as it's difficult to imagine Dunne pulling off a face turn after his UK Tournament antics.
