10 WWE Allegiances That Must Happen In 2018

3. AJ Styles And Finn Bálor

Kevin Owens Sami Zayn Randy Orton

AJ and Finn gave a nod to the fans who cheered them before it was cool last Sunday with their "Too Sweet" gesture after the bell, whetting everyone's appetite for a potential reunion down the road.

Thanks to their being on separate shows, it will probably be a while - next month's Battle of the Brands excepted - until we see them interact again, but considering that Finn Bálor was squashed by Kane on Raw this week, it's not exactly hard to imagine him being traded over to Tuesdays come the next Superstar Shake Up.

If that happens - and AJ doesn't go the other way - it's almost inevitable that the former Bullet Club members will team up, if not in the SmackDown tag division (which is probably beneath both of them them, if we're totally honest) then at least to level the playing field against Kevin Owen and Sami Zayn.

There would, of course, be voices from within the WWE fanbase railing against this, but you only have to look as far as the Shield reunion on Raw for evidence that being part of a unit doesn't have to spell the end of your main event aspirations.
