10 WWE Angles Everybody Gets Wrong

2. CM Punk Taking Over Nexus

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What people think: Stuck in a post-'Straight Edge Saviour' rut, CM Punk suddenly became the new leader of Nexus as Wade Barrett splintered off to form The Corre. Most fans viewed this as lazy booking and a last-ditch attempt to save the dying faction's importance by tying them to a credible star people took seriously.

How it really was: Punk's hostile takeover of Nexus was completely in-character for a lost leader struggling to find his next big gig. He'd been floundering since the end of his last group, and had even worked a few shots as a guest commentator. That was never going to do for someone who had lofty ambitions and a definite dictator complex.

By assuming control of Nexus, a group who had already fired warning shots against WWE poster boy John Cena and the promotion's methods as a whole, Punk was giving himself another chance at autocracy. He wanted to run things his way, not WWE's, and that was the hidden beauty behind his Nexus revolution.

Of course, WWE did a poor job of explaining this on TV.

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