10 WWE Angles Everybody Gets Wrong

9. 'Fake' Razor & Diesel

Fake Razor Ramon Diesel Marc Mero

What people think: After watching both Kevin Nash and Scott Hall bolt to guaranteed money in WCW, form the nWo with fellow ex-WWF star Hulk Hogan and turn the tide, Vince McMahon panicked. Someone mentioned he owned the rights to the Razor Ramon and Diesel characters one day, causing the boss to draft in journeyman pros to play those gimmicks. Fans were incensed and millions have laughed at it ever since.

How it really was: It's conveniently forgotten in all of this that then-heel Jim Ross was the one who introduced 'Fake' Razor and 'Fake' Diesel to the WWF. Maybe, just maybe, this was "Good Ol' JR" rebelling against McMahon's detached humanity and need to move on from people when they didn't do his bidding.

Remember that Jim's promos were full of references to his Bell's Palsy and how he'd been deemed too unsightly to appear on camera. Tricking the fans by using standard WWF hype and then disappointing them with cheap knock-off replacements might've been JR's way of getting back at Vince for constantly trying to supplant him.

Much deeper than Kane cosplaying Diesel, isn't it?

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