10 WWE Attitude Era Problems That Fans Don't Want To Admit

9. Many Of The Angles Were Terrible

Ok, so there were countless tremendous moments during the Attitude Era. 'Stone Cold' soaking Vince McMahon and the Corporation with beer stands out, as does the incredible heat elicited from crowds by The Rock beating down Mankind mercilessly. However, for every fantastic segment, there were a string of awful ones just peering round the corner. For teenagers, some of this stuff was very entertaining, but the 'car crash' make up of the then-WWF's televised output during the Attitude Era can make for some very disjointed watching when looking back at programs. Viewed in isolation, these skits can be harmless, but fans were subjected to some truly terrible segments routinely, such as Val Venis having some genital worries around Japanese heel stable, Kai En Tai. Nowadays, people often complain when something happens which doesn't really seem to fit into the paradigms of an eventual wrestling match, but just what context fits the idea of one man having his penis lopped off by another - wielding a sword, no less - on a grappling show?

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.