10 WWE Attitude Era Problems That Fans Don't Want To Admit

3. Women Were Treated Like Objects

Nowadays, there's a big drive from WWE to distance themselves from allegations that they may not have been treating women with the respect they deserve over the years. Trying to remedy this, the girls are being given a little more time to construct their matches on Pay-Per-Views, and there are even rumours that the female division is set to be featured more heavily than ever before. The last time the promotion put a lot of emphasis on women, it was to show them off as sex symbols more than anything else. During the Attitude Era, few young males were complaining when the likes of Sable, Sunny or Trish Stratus marched to the ring wearing as little as possible, but it was something that had to stop eventually. Longtime wrestling manager and booker Jim Cornette once infamously stated that the sex appeal concept was flawed, because there was only so far the WWF could go with it. Short of 'Bra & Pantie' matches, and the occasional hint of nudity, where could they really take things? Showcasing beautiful women is not the problem, but it was uncomfortable to watch angles such as Vince McMahon forcing Stratus to strip and bark like a dog.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.