10 WWE Betrayals That Were Totally Justified

3. Randy Savage (1989)

Mega Powers

"You got lust in your eyes and in your black heart for Elizabeth".

Those were the words of Randy Savage, and they were aimed squarely at goody-two-shoes Hulk Hogan in 1989. Randy, who had previously teamed with Hulk as The Mega Powers, began to realise that hey, Hogan might be moving in on his girl. That caused friction and the eventual implosion of their all-star tag act.

Was Randy justified? Yes, yes he was. Hulk had put his hand on Miss. Elizabeth's behind during post-victory celebrations, and he dared to carry her off for medical treatment in the heat of a tag-team match with Savage on Saturday Night's Main Event. To the 'Macho Man', this wasn't something he could dig. Hogan had to be warned off.

Before things could slip to the point of Elizabeth siding with Hulk, Randy took matters into his own hands, broke up the team by slapping his big yellow buddy and rushing to Liz's aid.

In one of wrestling's best-ever stories, the heel had some merit to his accusations.

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The Rock
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.