10 WWE Booking Steps For The Undertaker Vs Wyatts At WrestleMania 32

7. Team Taker Assembles

The final Raw before Survivor Series kicks off with The Brothers Of Destruction walking side-by-side to the ring on TV for the first time in years. Taker remarks that blood will always be thicker than water and that despite the odds, he and his brother will take out the Wyatts at Survivor Series and that Bray will, ultimately, Rest. In. Peace.

The Wyatts, meanwhile, are booked in an eight-man tag team match for that night's main event, going up against the uneasy alliance of The Dudley Boyz and The New Day, who have been thrown together by The Authority because they're sick like that. Tensions soon boil over and everything breaks down. Wyatts are brawling with Dudleys! Dudleys are brawling with New Day! New Day are brawling with Wyatts!

It's absolutely chaotic, until the bell tolls once again, the lights cut, and Undertaker and Kane appear on the ramp together. With the Dudleys and New Day fighting into the crowd, the Wyatts are left staring down their Survivor Series opponents, Bray daring them to step towards the ring...

...which they do. Except, as they get near, they pause and look back as two familiar faces appear atop the ramp €“ it's Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose! The returning duo meet Kane and Taker halfway down and the foursome proceed to boot off with the Wyatts. It's absolute bedlam, the crowd loves it and we are left with a glimpse of the carnage that's set to explode on Sunday night!


Lifelong wrestling fan. I like to talk about it. Argue with me!