10 WWE "Divas" Who Missed The Revolution

2. Kaitlyn

Aj Lee

With a spear to rival Roman Reigns (or even the topical Goldberg), genuine charisma on the mic, and aggressive chemistry alongside the then-core of the division, AJ Lee, Kaitlyn seemed to have all the makings of a long-term star.

Her match against AJ Lee at 2013’s Payback is considered by many to have been the best Divas division match in years, in an era where the only women’s wrestling of note in WWE was strictly on NXT. The two were often compared to Trish and Lita, a likeness not only drawn from their base character types, but also their undeniable chemistry together both in the ring and in promos.

Unfortunately, just when it seemed she was settling into position, the focus for the division took a turn towards the cast of Total Divas, and Kaitlyn dropped into the background. Shortly afterwards, Celeste Bonin and WWE mutually parted ways, and with the exception of Big E’s twitter feed, her run as Kaitlyn is not looked back upon with any lasting significance.


An Australian fan of wrestling, keen proponent of NXT Takeover: Boggo Road, and the repackaging of Nathan Jones as Road Warrior Dingo.