10 WWE Fates Worse Than Burial
7. A MAJOR Push
Much of 2017 as a wrestling fan was spent trying to justify with one hand and castigate with other. Such was the fate of any devotee trying to make complete rational sense of the Jinder Mahal WWE Championship push.
There have been those that haven't looked at home atop the mountain before, and those that got there too early or late to really and truly make it count. Mahal was none of these things, and yet who wouldn't have been absolutely buzzing to receive this opportunity as if from nowhere?
It's happening again - that guilty need to remove the blame from 'Modern Day Maharaja' for this p*ss-weak experiment gone wrong, stopping only to say that his matches didn't level up to the spot he'd suddenly required. Mahal's months-ling was a fairly shameless attempt for WWE to penetrate a market they ultimate failed to do and/or gave up pursuing quite so aggressively.
But because it went on long enough to extend beyond the realms of a traditional fluke, it chequered the legacy of the title and Jinder himself. Every match subsequent to that run stands as a monument to how hard and fast he fell, not that he ever made it at all.