10 WWE Feuds That Overstayed Their Welcome

1. The Authority Vs. Everyone (2013-2016)

Becky Lynch Charlotte Flair

WWE’s old insistence in on-air authority figures stemmed from the runaway success of Austin vs. McMahon.

It stands to reason that they would try to replicate this success with a new generation of McMahons and Daniel Bryan when his popularity became too much to ignore in 2013. Dubbing themselves The Authority, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon sabotaged Bryan’s Championship opportunities, bringing Randy Orton, The Shield, Kane, and The Big Show under their wing.

The payoff to Daniel Bryan vs. The Authority was perfect. After months of being denied at every turn, Bryan leveraged a match with Triple H at Wrestlemania XXX where, if successful, he would be added to the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match that same night. Lo and behold, Bryan did just that, going on to win that title as well. It was an excellent conclusion and a great feel-good moment.

Unfortunately, The Authority stuck around and inserted themselves into almost everything happening on Raw, including the breakup of The Shield, fighting John Cena at Survivor Series, and more, all with no comeuppance. WWE seemed to forget that the key to the Austin/McMahon feud was the humiliation McMahon endured at the hands of Austin. The Authority always seemed to be on top, creating a never-ending feedback loop of oppression.

The Authority quietly disbanded in 2016, two years too late. At least we got the Miracle on Bourbon Street...

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Chris is a Canadian now living in Melbourne. He is a connoisseur of fine maple syrups and apologizing. He spent his time preparing to live in Australia by drinking Fosters, only to discover there really is no Fosters over here. There are tons of snakes though. Should have really focused on the snakes instead.