10 WWE Feuds That Started Over The DUMBEST Things

7. Booker T & Edge War Over Shampoo Ad

Drew McIntyre CM Punk Bracelet

Technically, Booker T and Edge's bizarre Japanese shampoo commercial rivalry could be justified as two wrestlers fighting over a lucrative payoff. In effect, they were fighting over money, but that's not actually how the WWF framed things heading into WrestleMania X8. Nope, they had Book get shirty with Edge because the Canadian had superior hair.

It was good hair.

Fictional Japanese business minds clearly agreed, because they went with Adam Copeland as the frontrunner for their non-existent follicle festival. 'FollicleFest' was presumably a working title for that year's 'Mania.

It's unclear what's worse - the fact Edge and Booker were scrapping over shampoo endorsements or the jokes in this article. Again, money talks, but bullsh*t walked...all the way onto the main card at WrestleMania in front of some 68,000 screaming fans. "THEY ARE FIGHTING OVER SHAMPOO" was splashed across a sign and in clear view of the hard camera as the contest begun. 

Wonder how many bottles of the stuff they sold at the merch stands?


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.