10 WWE Feuds Where The Wrong Person Won

6. Randy Orton Vs. Christian

John Cena Wade Barrett STFU 2010

Christian's World Heavyweight Championship win at Extreme Rules 2011 was seen as vindication for his many years of service to the WWE. A midcard favourite of the Attitude Era, he had finally captured an elusive World Championship - a moment made even more jubilant by the involvement of old tag team partner Edge.

Five days later, his reign was ended in a seemingly innocuous television match.

Randy Orton won a fan poll on Smackdown to determine the number one contender, and went on to cleanly defeat the veteran, killing his sentimental reign before it had even properly begun. Christian, and a sizeable chunk of the WWE fanbase, were aghast.

To make matters worse, the Smackdown writers decided to turn Christian heel in his pursuit to regain the title. Edge turned on him, a transparent move intended to throw support behind the babyface Orton, and Christian won the title back by virtue of a screwy DQ stipulation.

He then immediately lost the title again, falling victim to a spectacular (but ultimately heartbreaking) RKO at SummerSlam. Christian's time in the sun was over, and must sadly be remembered as a disappointment.

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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.