10 WWE Gimmicks Saved By The People Playing Them

2. 'King' Booker

King Booker World Heavyweight Champion

Generally speaking, unless your name is Jerry Lawler then you better give up any hopes of working the 'King' gimmick with credibility. Many have tried, but few have succeeded as more than comedy acts. WWE themselves have been burned with this many times. Praise the Lord then for gifting us 'King' Booker.

When Booker T won the 2006 King Of The Ring, he understood that the crown could easily become a noose around his neck if he didn't handle things with care. Instead of attempting to win people over as a credible King though, Booker acted like he was honest-to-God wrestling royalty. Somehow, it worked when others had failed.

Sheamus, Wade Barrett, Haku and others had been hindered by the 'King' gimmick. Even the great Randy Savage didn't take the idea to new heights when he wore the crown. By comparison, Booker and his 'Queen' Sharmell were a riot in their respective roles, and their characters successfully prolonged Booker's main event run.

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