10 WWE Gimmicks That Just Aren't Working

2. Happy Corbin & Madcap Moss

Alexa Bliss

When it rains, it pours.

The downfall of King Corbin didn’t make much sense; next to no one loses everything they have that quickly. Regardless, Corbin himself made it work, delivering some of the finest promo work of his career.

As amusing as it was to watch the nefarious Corbin go through the ringer, a certain sympathy had sprouted. The tragic, destitute Lone Wolf was becoming an underdog primed and ready for a solid, babyface redemption arc.


Instead, Corbin won a bundle in Vegas and was reborn as Happy Corbin. In a year of awful repackagings, this one almost takes the cake. Now an obnoxious, wealthy bonehead with a wee chat show, Corbin unveiled his trusty sidekick: Madcap Moss (seriously, the names WWE have concocted this year are, to quote a certain Celtic Warrior, beyond the pale).

Riddick Moss seemingly had all the tools Vince McMahon longs for in his stars before his injury last year. The charismatic, jacked, athletic Moss was improving steadily and was poised to be a star of the future. Having missed a year due to his knee going into business for itself, Moss now returns sans the ground he gained in 2020.

The heel duo are not setting the world on fire right now. Given the half-baked nature of this angle and the ill-fitting gimmicks these two are stuck with, don’t expect that to change any time soon.

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Alexa Bliss
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