10 WWE Gimmicks Worse Than The Stretcher Match

2. Hog Pen Match

Any time a pig is the most important prop in a match, the contest is basically destined for failure. During the two hog pen matches in the company€™s history, competitors have fought alongside the bacon of tomorrow while attempting to drown their opponent in slop. The first hog pen match was between Triple H and Henry Godwin. During this contest, the goal was to throw your opponent into the pit of slop in order to achieve victory. In the second contest, however, opponents started the contest in the slop and the rules were entirely different. No matter which variation of the hog pen match one is exposed to, I think it is safe to assume that most fans consider this gimmick to be a boar.

Michael Hicks is a writer originally from Pittsburgh, PA. He has written for a number of websites about subjects ranging from professional wrestling to raw denim.