10 WWE Hell In A Cell Dream Matches
Hell in a Cell match-ups that would have brought the house down, had they happened.

In the past, Hell in a Cell was a special occassion, a last resort for the fiercest of blood feuds and just mentioning those four words let people know things were about to get kicked up a notch. Matches like The Undertaker against Mankind and Triple H versus Cactus Jack set the standard of brutality for Hell in a Cell, and as soon as someone even suggested the match, fans knew that things were getting serious.
Whether it was Shawn Michaels dripping with blood, Cactus Jack's flaming barbed-wire bat or The Undertaker throwing Mankind off the roof, fans knew that Hell in a Cell was the last stop in any rivalry because there's no way to top it. WWE got it right when they blew off the red-hot Seth Rollins versus Dean Ambrose angle inside the Hell in a Cell, but that was fortunate timing and the success of that blow-off can be debated another time. Hell in a Cell is a place where blood feuds go to get settled, and here are ten of the greatest rivalries in WWE that would have tore the roof off in a Hell in a Cell match.
10. The Shield Vs. The Wyatt Family

When it came to booking both The Shield and The Wyatt Family, WWE were incredibly smart by playing the long-game and keeping them as far away from each other as possible. When they did finally collide in England, it would be another four months or so until they finally met in the ring and when they did, fans were chanting THIS IS AWESOME! before the match even began.
WWE has a hard time making tag-team feuds as dynamic and engaging as the singles rivalries, so the fact they had two teams as red-hot as The Shield and The Wyatt Family were is incredible. They never really got that blow-off match unfortunately, and the last meeting of the two teams was on an episode of Monday Night Raw last year, just one month before Seth Rollins famously betrayed his brothers in arms.
A Hell in a Cell match would have been perfect for these two teams, because the big story from their first encounter was that they were so explosive it was hard to keep all of them in the arena, let alone the ring. While Reigns and Ambrose are currently feuding with the new Wyatt Family, it's hard to replicate the magic of those early matches.