10 WWE Moments From 2022 You Totally Don’t Remember

3. Shanky = IC Title Challenger

Dana Brooke Reggie Wedding

Everyone, including this writer, would herald 2022 as a bright spot for the cherished Intercontinental Title. GUNTHER's reign is the reason why - the Imperium leader's run as champ since winning the belt in June has been nothing short of world class. However, the strap was in creative purgatory before that.

Things were so bad that Shanky stared down then-champ Ricochet on the 22 April SmackDown. Later that night, the big Shankster lost to Rico in just over three minutes. Why did Shanky receive a title shot in the first place? Who really knows. The writers spat on IC lineage with this rubbish one-off.

What chance did Ricochet have as champion?

History will put Shanky's challenge in its proper place. You won't hear fans 20 years from now say they remember him vying to become Intercontinental Champion shortly after WrestleMania 38, put it that way. What a colossal waste of everybody's time this was.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.