10 WWE Moments That Weren't Supposed To Happen

2. A Fan Runs In On Seth Rollins' Promo (Raw, 15 August 2016)

Seth Rollins Fan Promo

Almost a year on from seeing someone gatecrash his entrance, Seth Rollins had another fan run in on an in-ring promo. On the 15 August 2016 episode of Raw, Seth was running down Finn Bálor's chances of becoming the first ever Universal Champion at SummerSlam. Suddenly, some dude sporting a hard hat (what is it with hats?) entered the ring.

Again, WWE had to mimic Wayne's World and go for an 'Extreme Close-Up'.

Rollins rightly pushed the guy away from him and then nervously continued his speech by doing an evil villain-style laugh. He was obviously shaken up by security's lack of care, and with good reason. Seth wasn't to know that the man posed no threat and only wanted to snatch himself some ring time on Raw.

Maybe the hard hat was there to protect the fan from one of those Curb Stomps. They were a sensitive subject for Rollins back in 2016, after all.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.