10 WWE New Generation Era Superstars You Totally Don't Remember

9. Tank

Black Phantom Gangrel WWE

The original Truth Commission was pretty unique. Bret Hart helped get the ball rolling for The Commandant and his troops in 1997, so the group just scrapes in here before the Attitude revolution later that same year. They were part of the dying embers of that New Generation era, but you probably don't remember everyone involved.

For example, that menacing masked fella patrolling ringside in the pic above. That's "Tank". No recollection? That's not very surprising, because he only worked one six-man tag on an episode of Shotgun Saturday Night in June '97. The Commission changed to include the Jackyl (Don Callis) after that, and Tank ended up working dark matches for WCW.

It was actually Mantaur under the mask. His iconically bad 1995 run acted as a reminder of everything wrong with the WWF back then, so at least Tank let him hide his face lest anybody spot him! For the record, it was never explained why Tank was the only Commission member under a hood.

He wasn't there long enough to worry about that anyway.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.