10 WWE Pay-Per-View Matches That Surpassed Expectations

7. John Cena Vs. The Great Khali (One Night Stand 2007)

Great Khali John Cena One Night Stand 2007.jpg

John Cena is someone who will perhaps never get the credit he deserves as an in-ring performer. Chants of 'You Can't Wrestle' have followed the man over the past decade, this despite the fact he has had great matches with the likes of CM Punk, Brock Lesnar, Seth Rollins and Randy Orton to name but four.

Those men all have something in common in that they're all great performers in their own right. The same could never be said for the awkward, ambling Great Khali, a man wrestlers had to work wonders with in order to get even a passable match.

Cena was tasked with getting something decent out of the Punjabi giant at One Night Stand 2007, and he passed with flying colours.

The pay-per-view had, over the past few years, been known as an ECW-branded event. Therefore, the headliners were up against it from the start. Avoiding that potential banana skin admirably, they had a fine 'Falls Count Anywhere' scrap that has to be considered one of Khali's best ever WWE matches (not that there are too many contenders to choose from).

Nobody expected Cena vs. Khali to be good, but the realisation started to kick in around half way through that it was wholly entertaining.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.