10 WWE Promo Packages You Need To Watch

9. Team WWF vs. Team Alliance - InVasion 2001

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSZCwJzH81s It's fair to say that the Invasion of WCW and ECW is the angle with the most wasted potential in wrestling history. Throughout the nineties fans picked a side. Some chose McMahon, some chose Eric Bischoff and Ted Turner, and the most hardcore fans chose the man then known as Paul E. Dangerously. Seeing these three companies butt heads was more than most hoped to dream, but come the new Millenium, Vince McMahon stood tall and his wayward children were coming to take him down. When the angle first started, it was easy to get caught in the hype because it seemed like a can't-fail prospect. The InVasion PPV event was the show fans had wanted since the mid-nineties and its main event, The Inagaural Brawl, was stacked with the very best of all three companies. Like many things from this time period, it all comes down to Stone Cold Steve Austin. After joining forces with Mr. McMahon, Steve Austin had gone soft, and this promo centers around McMahon's quest for the old Stone Cold, and Austin's struggle to find him. Watch it now, thirteen years later, and you'll forget that the Invasion was as mismanaged as it was.
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