10 WWE Punishments That Didn't Fit The Crime

6. Messy Eater

Titus O Neil Vince Mcmahon Punishment

Dropping a few crumbs while you eat lunch isn't the end of the world, although if you do, you should at least have the common courtesy to scoop them up afterwards instead of just leaving them lying around.

The Miz could have done with this advice about a decade ago. According to reports, the then-rookie was was said to have been enjoying some fried chicken in the locker room when he accidentally got some grease in a co-worker's gym bag.

His poor table manners enraged Chris Benoit so much that he was dragged off to Wrestler's Court, where the jury ruled that he would now have to get changed in public restrooms (as in, where the fans go) for the next year.

While this punishment clearly had no long-term affect on Miz's WWE career, you do wonder whether it was really a proportionate reaction to making a bit of a mess backstage. Couldn't they have just asked him clean up after himself in future? You know, like normal human beings?
