10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (Aug 16)

1. More NXT Talents On The Main Roster

From @thetrueboss997: Do you think with all the recent NXT signings that have been happening we will see some guys be brought in the main roster?
That's an interesting question because you would think that bringing in the likes of Devitt, Kenta and Steen would be done as a move to call up other wrestlers to the main roster, but that may not necessarily be the case at all. It seems like WWE's goal is to strengthen the NXT brand since it's a show that is exclusive to WWE Network. Since Raw & Smackdown are shows that WWE is paid to air on cable television those are obviously their two biggest shows, but NXT is something WWE can promote as being only on their network. That's why it is in their best interests to make NXT great. That means that it makes a lot of sense for them to make NXT the best show possible. The more great talent there the better. What WWE has to do is find the right mix between the main roster and NXT. Guys like Sami Zayn and Adrian Neville should definitely be on the main roster. They're better than a lot of guys there, especially Zayn. However, if there's no story in place then it's better for them to be top guys in NXT. If they went to the main roster to become midcarders with no storylines then that doesn't really help anybody. If you're not watching NXT already, you should. It's a fun show to watch and since it's only an hour long it doesn't feel like a task to get through it all like Raw does sometimes. The additions of Kenta, Devitt & Steen will make it even better. Thanks again for contributing and reading the Q&A. Until next time.
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.