10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (Jan 3)

2. Three New Year's Resolutions For WWE

From @JacobDavisPBC: What are 3 good New Year's resolutions that WWE can make to put the last half of a lackluster 2014 behind them to make 2015 great?
They certainly need more than three things although that's a good number for this Q&A. 1) More live programming on WWE Network The growth of WWE Network is important to the entire company, so that has to be a major focus. They should broadcast some house shows on there, they should do more Steve Austin podcasts on it and maybe do a Saturday Night's Main Event like special just to drum up interest even more. 2) Better finishes in Raw main events There was an alarming stat about Raw that was released online after the final episode in 2014: "Out of 52 episodes during the year, only 18 Raw episodes (34.6 percent) had a decisive finish to a main event." That's brutal. WWE spends three hours on Raw promoting these matches that are coming up on the show with the main event getting the most attention. After sitting through three hours of Raw, what do we get? Awful finishes. There are so many DQ endings. Why should we care about what the main event matches are if nearly two thirds of them are going to have a good finish? Building stories are important, but so are good matches. Raw has become boring. It needs to change. Better finishes would help. 3) Less stupid things like The Bunny It's easy to see what things are good and what things are absolutely awful. The Bunny is awful. WWE needs to cut out some of the more ridiculous. It would help the entire product.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.