10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (Nov 1)

7. Tag Team Division Needing A Boost

From @TheLostAdvocate: The tag team division is lacking. Which two middling mid-carders would you pair to give the division an energy boost?
It's a good question although it's tough to answer because you never know what two guys you could put together and all of a sudden find that they have chemistry. A duo (even a trio) that jumps out at me are Big E and Kofi Kingston along with Xavier Woods. WWE made a mistake in teasing that group, then not pulling the trigger on them and now they're doing nothing at all. Whether they work as a faces or heels, they could be a very good team. If they wanted to milk that Miz/Sandow pairing for months they could always keep them together. I just think Sandow is going face really soon, so that won't happen. Titus O'Neil is better off as a tag wrestler with former partner Darren Young than he is as a singles wrestler or in a joke team with Heath Slater. Young should be back after ACL surgery soon. They have options with others in the midcard that aren't used too. Maybe Justin Gabriel & Zack Ryder would be a good team. They have to be presented as such. At least it looks like The Ascension will be called up soon, probably in the new year. That will help.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.