10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (Nov 29)

Did CM Punk screw up AJ Lee's WWE career this week?

It was a very eventful week in WWE in this final week of November thanks to two men that don't even wrestle regularly these days: Sting and CM Punk. Survivor Series was a one match show with only the main event 10 man tag match really standing out. It looked like The Authority was going to get the win, but then Sting's music hit and he slowly walked down to the ring to confront Triple H. After hitting Triple H with a Scorpion Death Drop, Sting put Dolph Ziggler on top of Seth Rollins and that gave Team Cena the win to end the reign of Team Authority. There was a lot of anticipation for Raw the next night, but Sting wasn't there. Some WWE fans are likely very upset about it although from WWE's point of view they could say he was never advertised either. Late on Thursday night, Colt Cabana's podcast with CM Punk hit the internet and that's really all that people want to talk about since then. He criticized a lot of key people in WWE from Vince McMahon to Triple H. He ripped on Ryback for hurting him. He questioned WWE's Dr. Amann for misdiagnosing him. It was two hours of honesty from Punk, who is probably relieved he got to air his grievances with the world. Next week should also be eventful since Vince McMahon is on Steve Austin's podcast, which airs Monday night after Raw on WWE Network. Will he address CM Punk? Probably not. Speaking of Punk, he's going to do another podcast with Colt Cabana next week answering listener questions, so that will be interesting too. Here is this week's Q&A covering various topics in wrestling. These questions were sent to me on Twitter @johnreport. I asked for no CM Punk questions since I already wrote about it. Let's get to it.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.