10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (April 13)

9. What Are Your Thoughts On Roman's Change Of Character?

AJ Styles

@Peachy_Plays asks about Roman's interesting change of character recently. He showed a slightly more badass side in the build to WrestleMania (which failed to endear him to large swathes of the WWE Universe), and since seems to have strayed into full tweener territory (which, again, hasn't really helped matters).

On the whole, I think this is probably a good decision by WWE. There's no way Roman was going to organically get himself over as a pure babyface, regardless of how well he played that role. Many fans had already made up their minds, largely fuelled by his hand-picked status as the new golden boy. 

At least by acknowledging the split crowd, there's room for more interesting, complex feuds. His upcoming battle with AJ Styles should be very interesting - almost a Cena vs. Punk style tale on a less epic scale - particularly with the match taking place in front of a smarky Chicago crowd. 

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