10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (April 13)

5. Should Balor Drop The NXT Championship To Nakamura Or Somebody Else?

AJ Styles

Speaking of Finn, @Phoenalix wonders whether Nakamura is the best candidate to take over as the next NXT Champion.

It's an unoriginal answer, but I'm inclined to agree. The fact that the NXT crowd took so quickly to him in his debut - and the fact that the match itself was absolutely fantastic - show that he's immediately ready to step into the title picture. He's already a believable threat and a charismatic showman, and the best thing WWE can do at this point is to keep him exactly the same.

If forced to pick a secondary candidate, I'd be tempted to stick with Samoa Joe - but he's surely lost some credibility after losing twice to Balor. Nakamura is surely the best choice, although when he should be booked to beat Finn is a different question entirely... 

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