10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (April 13)

2. Who Will Win The Tag Title Tournament?

AJ Styles

@Mxrshll focuses on another forgotten title as of late, the Tag Team Championship. 

While the US title was shoved onto the WrestleMania pre-show, the titles weren't even defended (for no real reason, as the New Day still had a non-title bout).

Hopefully the new Tag Title Tournament will restore a little prestige to the belts. As for the winners of the tourney, it's hard to look past The Usos. Enzo and Cass look set to meet the Dudleys in the semi finals, and I wouldn't be surprised to see Bubba and D-Von advance via dubious means - only to finally lose to The Usos.

I also wouldn't be disappointed to see Enzo and Cass score a big series of wins, as a feud with the New Day would surely provide promo gold. 

A left field idea could see Anderson and Gallows somehow force their way into the bracket and raise hell, depending on how immediately WWE want the pair to make an impact. 

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