10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (April 18)

1. Building Dean Ambrose Back Up?

From @RobynGrayson_: How do they build Dean Ambrose back to that main event level?
He was there in the summer and fall, wasn't he? That feud with Seth Rollins was great with a hot story going into SummerSlam, then they had to write him out to film some WWE movie and it hurt his momentum a bit, but he still headlined Hell in a Cell with Rollins. He also headlined TLC with Wyatt a few months later. Both matches were losses, though. It's not that hard to get fans to rally behind Ambrose. He's such a likable babyface because he brings so much energy to the table and all of his moves are over with the crowd. When he hits that "bounce off the ropes into a clothesline" spot the people go crazy for him. If he got the chance to talk more he would show why he's one of the best talkers in the business. My feeling is that they're going to build him back up in the summer and see how far he can go. That storyline with Rollins really isn't settled. He should be out there cutting promos about how much he hates that Rollins is WWE Champion, but in WWE's world they act like nobody cares about anything other than their one feud, which is Luke Harper right now for Ambrose. An option for him down the road is a heel turn because he'd be great at it. They need heels right now, so it's definitely an option although going after Rollins again sounds like more fun. He just needs a chance to do more. Give him promos. Put him in longer matches. Get him some meaningful wins. Losing those feuds to Rollins and Wyatt hurt him. He also failed to win the IC Title. We don't want to cheer for losers. We want winners. It's time to make the "Lunatic Fringe" look like a winner again.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.