10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (Aug 17)

10. The Ambrose Heel Turn And The Roman Reigns Factor

From €@MattThompson87: Enjoyed your Ambrose piece, but another Reigns Rumble win? Oof. After the last two years, can't imagine a repeat goes over well.
That's what a lot of the feedback was to my Ambrose heel turn article, which I totally understand. Reigns won the Rumble earlier this year and was booed. If he wins it in January 2016, what's going to prevent him from getting booed again? The purpose of that article was to focus on Ambrose. Yes, Reigns is his buddy and part of the turn would involve him, but my focus on the article was on Ambrose because I think he's going to get lost in the shuffle if he stays a face. Going heel will make him a more major player long term. As for Reigns, WWE will likely turn him into a lone wolf type of face with no friends (assuming Ambrose turns heel) with the idea that he's going to overcome all the obstacles to get to the top. I actually think it would be a cool story if he wins the WWE Title next year after failing to do it this year. That's a pretty easy story to tell. Regarding the Reigns haters, what's there to hate really? The guy has worked hard and improved in every aspect. He's had several very good to great matches this year with a variety of different opponents. He's a lifelong wresting fan with a family history in the business. People should support guys like him.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.