10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (June 13)

7. Pushing New Stars When The Roster Is So Deep?

From @rafacloud20: With the surplus of talent in NXT and the deep roster the main roster has, how will everyone be able to shine and main event? As in when those 10+ NXT stars come to the main roster, how can they be a big deal when WWE already has trouble with pushing their upper midcard talent?
Too much talent should never be considered a bad thing. Remember in 2011 when they really didn't have a lot of top heels, so after John Cena got by The Miz he went on to feud with the likes of R-Truth, John Laurinaitis and Big Show? That's what happens when you have a weak roster. That year became better when CM Punk and Daniel Bryan got a push in the second half, but the first six months sucked. In today's WWE, they have a several guys who have been multiple time World Champions (Cena, Orton, Big Show, Kane, Sheamus, etc.) that you can use to help put over those younger guys to make them bigger stars. That also keeps those veterans fresh because we've seen them all wrestle eachother so many times that it makes us want to puke. The current WWE PPV type shows are already pretty good in terms of matches. Think about when guys like Daniel Bryan, Finn Balor, Sami Zayn, Hideo Itami, Samoa Joe, Tyler Breeze and the talented NXT ladies are on there too. It might be hard to fit everybody, but having a lot of talent is the goal. Think back to the days when WWE's roster was really deep around 2000-2002. The quality of those PPV shows were consistently great because of the depth of the roster. Main eventers like were in their prime, but then you had amazing tag teams as well as midcarders that were young with a lot of potential. What fans need to realize is you can't push everybody at once and you can't turn everybody into a main event player, but what you can do is have a very complete roster the likes of which we haven't seen in 15 years.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.