10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (June 13)

4. Celebrities That Could Try Wrestling?

From @opzun: Is there anybody currently not in the business that you'd like to see come in and give it a try? (Athletes, actors, etc)
There are definitely a lot of guys from the NFL and NBA that could fit in well as actors that could probably do it because pro wrestling is basically acting except you really need to be trained for it. Some athletes that come to mind are: Shaquille O'Neal - He retired from the NBA a few years ago, but when he guest hosted Raw during his playing days in 2009 he got into an altercation with Big Show that showed he belonged in the ring. It's a surprise that it never happened and now that he's in his early 40s it probably never will. He's been involved in wrestling shows dating back to 20 years ago with Hulk Hogan in WCW, so he's definitely a fan of the business. Rob Gronkowski - As a tight end on the New England Patriots he's a big dude with a lot of personality. Plus he's friends with NXT star Mojo Rawley and even did a promo with him. He's still in his 20s, so maybe when he retires he'll give it a try. https://twitter.com/RobGronkowski/status/587362308785106947 Richard Sherman - Since he's arguably the best talker in any sport, he'd be a natural fit. As a NFL cornerback in he's not that big, but he's used to being physical and would probably do okay in the ring if he trained for it. James Laurinaitis - Another NFLer that is a linebacker on the St. Louis Rams - my favorite team - that is the son of Legion of Doom member Animal. He would be a natural fit for sure. Stephen Amell - He's the star of TV's Arrow that is in great shape and loves the business. That angle with Stardust may not happen if that gimmick ends leading to the return of Cody Rhodes, but hopefully he gets to live out his dream one day. There are plenty of others that could do it although the key is they should be a fan of wrestling so that they can really have fun with it.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.