10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (May 10)

10. Top Rope Finishing Moves?

From @WrestlingBants: Top rope finishers. Where does Neville's Red Arrow rank? Your personal favourite?
It's an awesome move. It really is one of the best top rope finishing moves in WWE history even though he hasn't been doing it for that long. The reason because it's such a hard move to pull off and it really makes him stand out from the others. There have been so many great moves off the top that if you asked fans their favorite you would get a variety of answers. The Shooting Star Press is amazing, the Frog Spash by Rob Van Dam is special, but the Eddie Guerrero version is really good too because it looked powerful. Then there are moves like the 450 Splash or Jeff Hardy's Swanton Bomb that always get a great reaction. A moonsault is still pretty cool. My personal fave is the Randy Savage Flying Elbow off the top. The reason is because he was my first favorite wrestler ever and when he did that move we went crazy for it. A lot of people have done it since, but nobody did it better. Neville's probably in the top five already. It's so cool to see him fly through the air like that.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.