10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (May 31)

6. Kevin Owens' Body Type?

From @MarlowRichard: Will Kevin Owens' physique count against him in the long run? He looks legit tough, but Vince McMahon may think his look isn't great.
Good question that's tough to answer because we don't know what WWE might be thinking. Kevin is a bigger guy with a bit of a gut. So what? Look at his talent. His matches are excellent, he is already one of the best promo men in the company and he carries himself like a star too. You can teach guys everything you want, but some of them don't have that star power that Owens has. With that said, Vince McMahon could wake up tomorrow to say that he doesn't want to push that Owens guy because he's got a bigger stomach. Vince has always wanted to push the more muscular guys. Triple H seems to be more understanding about it, so the more his influence grows the better it is. It's the talent of the performer that should matter more than the look. That's why Kevin Owens is a WWE main event level wrestler for the next decade while a guy like David Otunga sits on the sidelines doing commentary because he's poor in the ring despite the fact that he's in amazing shape. This is the same sort of thing that applies to smaller guys too. The look shouldn't matter as much as it used to. Let the talented wrestlers show what they can do and the product will be better for it.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.