10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (Oct 22)

5. Why Does WWE Choose To Ignore Its Own History?

Asked by @Live4Gr8ness Because WWE is a fiction. Everything they present to you, is the narrative that they want to tell. Things like the Hall Of Fame, its only real purpose is to sell tickets in order to make money. The same is true of any history features you may see in a WWE documentary, it is all just a work to make money. Even what they present as real, it is just their spin on what they want to say. In many ways, WWE is a bit like the North Korea of the business world. Vince McMahon only wants to acknowledge what has value to him in the now. The past is the past, and WWE are constantly looking to what they can do in the present and the future. The past only matters if it can still generate money and interest.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.