10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (Oct 8)

10. Do You Think Bayley Vs Sasha Was A One Time Thing Or A Real Step In Legitimising Women's Wrestling?

Asked by @bryskers There's a saying, if you saw it on WWE television, it was a work. Bayley and Sasha Banks was a narrative, designed to appeal to a niche audience. It isn't something WWE are looking to do on a bigger scale, as you can tell by the way Sasha has been booked on Raw. Sure, they're telling a story about a Divas Revolution, but it is just a storyline. To understand why WWE don't really care about legitimising women's wrestling, you need to look where the money is. It is the Total Divas who are pulling in the big bucks for WWE. The Bella Twins and co have a television deal, merchandising, and commercial endorsements, whereas NXT is just a WWE Network show. More people watch Total Divas each week than NXT. Vince McMahon only sees where the money is, and only cares about that aspect. Sasha and Bayley had one of the best matches of 2015 at Takeover Brooklyn, but if match quality made one iota of difference to Vince, then we'd have had Tyson Kidd and Cesaro in main events many years ago. It isn't about wrestling or legitimising women athletes, it is about who makes money.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.