10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (October 1st)

5. When Are We Getting A Money In The Bank Cash In?

Thanks to Pete €@repete617 for the question. The latest indication from industry insider Dave Meltzer is that Seth Rollins will be defending the WWE Title at WrestleMania. That makes it unlikely Sheamus will be cashing in any time soon. Plans do change all the time, but I wouldn't hold my breath on it. There's also the issue that a heel cashing in on a heel makes no sense. It'd be more logical for Rollins to legitimately lose the title to a babyface, and then Sheamus cashes in on the new champion. Finally, it does more for Sheamus' character to draw out the MITB run as long as possible. It keeps him at the forefront, it is sort of like a belt in itself. With all of that in mind, it'll probably be in the post-Mania season that he cashes in. Keep in mind, plans always change, and ratings / subscriptions panic could cause all sorts of changes these next few months.
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