10 WWE Romances You Totally Forgot About

9. Dolph Ziggler And Maria

Dolph Ziggler was paired with Maria in 2009 as a way to try to get them both more over as characters. Sounds simple enough, right? Ziggler was a cocky young heel that was obviously an egotistical jerk while Maria played the role of the dumb girl. It's kind of like that typical storyline where the guy is a jerk, but the girl is too stupid to realize it and she's going to get burned in the end. The couple weren't together that long. They were together in 2009 and shown in various backstage segments while Maria also accompanied Ziggler to the ring. His most high profile match was against Rey Mysterio for the Intercontinental Title at Night of Champions 2009. Ziggler lost that. A few weeks after that, following another loss, he dumped Maria. What's interesting with this story is that the Bella Twins seemed to have a grudge with Maria for years even after she was out of WWE. The belief is that since Dolph was dating Nikki Bella around this time that there was a lot of "heat" so to speak. Perhaps that's why the story was cut so quickly.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.